Review Details

ARIES Home+ Wireless HDMI 2 Input Transmitter & Receiver

Average Customer Rating:

78 % of 100

ARIES Home+ Wireless HD Video 2 Input Transmitter & Receiver

Product Rating:

Product Rating
Overall Performance

Product Review (submitted on January 30, 2017):

The product description states that the range of this device is 100 feet with no obstruction. In my experience with this product the receiver could not receive a signal from the source at a distance of approximately 30 feet with a floor/ceiling between the two. Given the positive reviews I saw here I hadn't expected such a short distance/minimal obstruction to present a problem. When I attempted to contact customer service for Nyrius I found that their customer service center is only open from 9-5 eastern time Monday-Friday. Not exactly convenient for folks who work away from the home during those hours. Their 'contact us' page invited users to send feedback to the president, so I wrote a short note explaining that 9-5 Monday to Friday was an overly limited window of time to work with them to troubleshoot this matter. More pressingly, I had purchased this device to be delivered on a Friday with the hope of watching college bowl games on Saturday and NFL playoff games on Sunday. Needless to say, I didn't get to watch those games on the TV I'd purchased this for. The following week I received NO response from my inquiry to the customer service team. My inquiry to the office of the president yielded a canned response pointing me to the troubleshooting/FAQ portion of the companies website which I'd already reviewed and followed to no avail. All of this to say, if your set up has very little distance and/or little to no obstruction between source and receiver this may well be a worthwhile tool. Furthermore, if you can contact customer service during working hours on a weekday they may be able to help you troubleshoot any problems similar to the one I experienced. If you aren't confident of the distance/obstructions and/or cannot be available for them to provide customer service during your workday, I recommend avoiding this device as it may prove to be a significant source of frustration. Amazon's no-hassle return was helpful, but cold-comfort given the high hopes I'd had for this device. - Verified Store

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